The Complete Brief History of Branding in 5 minutes by dbrandcom - Brand Consultant

While “branding” might sound like a new concept, branding actually has a long history of use in business. It has gone through a long evolution, and in fact, the earliest form of branding ever recorded started around 2000 BC. Let’s travel back in time and discover the history of branding, from the earliest form to what branding looks like today. 

The Start of Branding

The word “brand” comes from the Scandinavian word “brandr,” which means “to burn.” This refers to the practice of marking something permanently, usually with a hot iron, to indicate ownership. Back then, farmers marked their cattle with a unique design of their ranch, leaving a burnt scar on the cattle’s hips. These marks not only will help determine if the cattle were lost or stolen but also distinguish their cattle from another ranch. 

This practice of marking objects was also used to identify goods. Engraving and watermarks can be found easily on pottery, bricks, and paper. People also started to brand their products with pictorial signs and symbols for the illiterate to understand better. 

The beginning of branding implies that it was merely used as an indicator to show people’s ownership. The simplicity, uniqueness, and easily recognizable traits of a brand have become the pillar of traditional branding, which shaped the branding we know today.   

The Industrial Revolution Era of Branding

There was a major shift in producing goods as the industrial revolution started. Individual labor has then been replaced by machines, resulting in the mass production of goods. This led to a wide selection of products for the public to choose from. By this time, people started to consider a lot of things before buying a product. 

On the other hand, companies, now having more competition than before, have to take action in order to stand out from the crowd and be seen by their customers. To do so, they issued the use of a trademark, consisting of words, phrases, colors, designs, taglines, logos, and even symbols. The trademarks act as a differentiator, and at the same time, as a way to prevent the source of goods or services from being used by other competitors. 

With this, branding has evolved. Branding, which used to be a tool to declare ownership, has turned into a symbol of identity, both for the company and their customers. 

Branding in the 20th Century

As the number of marketing competitors grew, companies realized the need to improve the quality of their products. Companies started to pay attention to small details of their products, such as packaging and price. They also started to introduce jingles, songs, and catchphrases of their products in their ads to catch the attention of their customers. As these ads continued to be played on the TVs and radios, brands were able to reach people’s homes easily, bringing customers closer than ever before. 

Along with the effort to be remembered by their customers, companies began to learn that understanding the market was as crucial as trying to stand out from the competitors. The aim was to develop a product that could target different market ranges, while at the same time providing the right product that the market wanted and needed. With this, the public can purchase the products that they are able to relate to, making the market become less competitive with each other.  

This shaped branding to a whole new level, as branding was widely used to earn trust and convey quality to their customers. 

How corporate branding started & today’s branding

Nowadays, branding is a term commonly used by corporations. As companies continue to market their brands, the public becomes more conscious of all the products offered to them. People no longer buy products just because of the pretty logos or catchy jingles, and with that, good branding is in charge to appeal to them. It involves evoking the emotions of their customers, while at the same time, narrating their brand values, resulting in bringing in a memorable experience for them. 

Indeed, everything that we see, hear, feel, and experience from a brand is a result of good branding.

What started as a simple mark to state belonging and ownership has now evolved rapidly into an important term in business and continues to play a crucial role for companies to stand out and succeed.

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