
Indonesia Syiar Network (ISN) is a non-profit volunteer based organization aims to deliver Islamic ecosystem in Indonesia through various programs. ISN requires a da’wah program design that can deliver the message that Islam is a religion with universal kindness values. In the year of 2022, ISN focuses on broadcasting sharia compliance lifestyle in Jakarta and greater area.

Client name:

Indonesia Syiar Network


Brand Activation

Start date:

April 21, 2022

End date:

May 08, 2020

Challenges :

  • The program should be able to attract broad market in understanding Halal Lifestyle.
  • The event should deliver the messages of Islam, give inspiration, and educative
  • The program should be conducted in vibrant and intriguing way

Our Approach :

A distinctive event called Jakarta Ramadhan Festival (JRF) was designed for 19 days long during Ramadhan-Ied Fitr with the title of Vibrant Halal Lifestyle. The concept used in this year was Experience Turkey Delight that brought up Turkey’s environment into detailed concept. The creative activities were: Bazaar, Believer Bliss, Fashion Show, Talk show, Art and Performance, Counseling Booth, One Day Khatam Al-Qur’an that inviting many notable performances and speakers in Indonesia.

Key Visual

The result of employees, over 115 detailers and engineers, all coming together to solve problem before they arise. the teamwork it demonstrates both internally and externally is outstanding.

Learning Platform

The result of employees, over 115 detailers and engineers, all coming together to solve problem before they arise. the teamwork it demonstrates both internally and externally is outstanding.

Learning Guidelines

The result of employees, over 115 detailers and engineers, all coming together to solve problem before they arise. the teamwork it demonstrates both internally and externally is outstanding.

Participant Profile

Pertamina Sales Agent MOR I - VIII







Participant Feedback

Pertamina Sales Agent Transformation Program Adalah Program Debut Dengan Fokus Pada Pengembangan Tim Penjualan Kami Dalam Kualitas Dan Kapasitas. Pertamina Sangat Passionate Mengenai Pertumbuhan Dan Perkembangan Anda Dalam Proses Peningkatan Sebagai Pemimpin Dalam Tim Dan Karier Anda. Di Program Ini, Kita Akan Mencakup Empat Aspek Penting Untuk Menjadi Salesman Dan Saleswoman Terbaik Dan Kami Sangat Bersemangat Untuk Memfasilitasi Anda Di Perjalanan Tersebut.

Pertamina Sales Agent Transformation Program, Dirancang Untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Diri, Performa, Dan Karier Anda

Participant Profiles

The result of employees, over 115 detailers and engineers, all coming together to solve problem before they arise. the teamwork it demonstrates both internally and externally is outstanding.



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