
BKI still hasn’t become the top of mind in customer’s eyes when it comes to classification, testing, inspection, and certification business fields. This happened because they still haven’t optimized their marketing and sales functions, moreover there is also competitors from private companies.

Client name:

Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia


Brand Development

Start date:

April 21, 2020

End date:

April 01, 2022


Challenges :

  • Brand name and logo that don’t communicate the services provided by BKI
  • Current visual is not consistently distributed to all BKI channels

Our Approach :

Conducting 5-step of brand journey to strengthen the business in the classification, testing, inspection, and certification business fields to be able to compete in the global arena through Brand Development, Brand Deployment and People Development Programs. The tools used for the business strategy creation were:

  • Bullseye Analysis
  • Brand Health Check
  • SWOT Analysis
  • GAP Analysis
  • Effort Impact Matrix
  • Brand Architect

Our Framework

Workshop Highlight Video

Workshop Documentation

Participant Profile

Pertamina Sales Agent MOR I - VIII



Participant Feedback

Pertamina Sales Agent Transformation Program Adalah Program Debut Dengan Fokus Pada Pengembangan Tim Penjualan Kami Dalam Kualitas Dan Kapasitas. Pertamina Sangat Passionate Mengenai Pertumbuhan Dan Perkembangan Anda Dalam Proses Peningkatan Sebagai Pemimpin Dalam Tim Dan Karier Anda. Di Program Ini, Kita Akan Mencakup Empat Aspek Penting Untuk Menjadi Salesman Dan Saleswoman Terbaik Dan Kami Sangat Bersemangat Untuk Memfasilitasi Anda Di Perjalanan Tersebut.

Pertamina Sales Agent Transformation Program, Dirancang Untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Diri, Performa, Dan Karier Anda